While illustration is my bread and butter, graphic design is something that I greatly enjoy.
It gives me an opportunity to break away from the drawing tablet, to work with typefaces and layouts to create work that satisfies the OCD in me.

*note this section is not visible on the main website to keep my illustration work separate

Alexander Keith’s - Brewing Process Poster
A massive 8ft board for their brewery in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The top left section of this had another display that would hover on top so we intentionally left it vacant.

Parastar - iPad app
Interactive app to educate veterinarians on the product.

Budweiser - This Bud’s For You
Table stands for promotion in local bars

RBC - Waterfront Festival
Informational posters for the Waterfront Festival showing event information, bus routes, and scheduling.

Dr. Oetker - Giuseppe Truck Wrap
Truck wrap for the promo team


Jägermeister - VELD Music Festival
Social media content and wall panels made for promoting the VELD music festival
