After graduation from Sheridan’s Illustration program, I wanted a project that would continue to challenge my problem solving skills, working speed, as well as my creativity. I gave myself one object a day to draw in a visually interesting way and see how quick I could get from start to finish. The individual illustration needed to be good enough that it could stand on it's own but have enough in common with the ones before and after that it could work in a series.

Some were much more abstract while others were significantly more detailed but overall I felt the project was a major success. Originally I wanted objects that were common enough for anyone to recognize but over time it became a visual journal for myself.

Examples: the shotgun for when I started watching Parks and Rec, the red tie for the day I had an interview, Mars and its two moons for when I started reading The Martian, and the numerous pop culture symbols that you could likely guess what caught my eye that day.
